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Frequently asked questions

Why do people turn to astrology?

People often use astrology to help with their self-development and expression, their family and foundations, their relationships and partnerships, and their careers, callings, or public roles.

The stars can be helpful for all manner of questions. They can confirm experience and reveal clues, in their starry, multivalent way—without offering earthly certainty.

We can read the stars for:

  • past, present, and future with planetary transits, progressions, and other techniques

  • personal understanding (natal astrology)

  • where energies meet between two or more people, e.g. for relationships or business partnerships (synastry)

  • divinatory answers to specific questions (horary astrology)

  • a good time to do something like start a business or get married (electionary astrology)

  • where to move or travel (astrocartography), or even how to organize our home (astrology of local space)

  • transpersonal, world events (mundane astrology).

Which one of your services would you recommend?

If we haven't worked together before, I suggest beginning with a Natal Chart Reading.

With that foundation in place, I offer Follow-Up Consultations for personal timing or other questions, Synastry Consultations for Relationships, Partnerships, or Groups, and Electional Consultations for timing events.

If you're an astrology student, I suggest scheduling a SoS Consult or Mentorship Package. Reach out to me at to schedule.

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